
Aras Electricity Expropriation Automation

OdakGIS KYP system is being commissioned for the execution of expropriation transactions of investment projects carried out by Aras Elektrik A.Ş. The customized modules of KYP for Aras Elektrik include integration with SAP and GIS systems as well as electronic signature and integration with TEDAŞ and EMRA processes.

Ministry of Transportation GDoII (General Directorate of Infrastructure Investments) Immovable Property Management Automation

It is a web-based geographical information system for the process management of the lands managed by DGoII. It manages the acquisition processes of immovables and carries out accounting transactions. In addition to the management of allocation, sale, easement rights and many other similar acquisition business processes, it also includes the preparation of the invoice reports required for the audits of the Court of Accounts, the preparation of the reports required by the administration and integrations with internal and external automations.

BUSKİ, Real Estate Management and Expropriation Automation

Additional developments are being made on OdakGIS KYP and KMP software to be used in expropriation and real estate management operations of drinking water, wastewater and drainage projects produced throughout Bursa province. The modules of the project that include land management to cover all of BUSKİ's investments include purchase, lease, allocation, easement, donation, and barter transactions. In addition, the modules covering all expropriation projects fulfill the requirements of Law No. 2942 and the related curriculum. BUSKİ, which is known as a water and sewerage administration with a well-developed technological predisposition and informatics culture, is raising its rightful level to a higher level with this project.

Kayseri and Civari Elektrik Üretim A.Ş. Expropriation Automation

OdakGIS KYP system is being commissioned for the execution of expropriation transactions of investment projects carried out by Kayseri and Civarı Elektrik Türk A.Ş. Kcetai. KYP'bib modules customized for Kcetaş include integration with SAP and GIS systems as well as electronic signature and integration with Tedaş and EMRA processes.

Zorlu Enerji WebMap Project

This project aims to manage the natural gas distribution areas in the Thrace region and Gaziantep region, which are managed by Zorlu Enerji, with a web-based geographic information system. In the project, OdakMap infrastructure is being expanded according to the needs of Zorlu Enerji and an automation is being developed where natural gas services can be managed by a single central system. With the project's web-based GIS structure, all natural gas data of Zorlu Enerji will be managed through a single database. The system also includes mobile software for field operations and integrations with SAP.

EMRA Geographic Information System

It is a geographic information system-based process management automation carried out by the Energy Markets Regulatory Authority on a national scale. The system covers all energy sectors. Electricity, natural gas, LPG, petroleum stations, license application areas of renewable energy production areas as well as the geographical data of distribution companies related to electricity and natural gas distribution are managed through this system. The infrastructure of the system developed in open source technology was created using OdakMAP technology. The system has been developed to work fully integrated with in-house automations. It is a national system operating throughout Turkey.

Aydem Energy Expropriation Automation

Expropriation management automation was realized to be used in ADM (Aydın-Denizli-Muğla) and GDZ (İzmir-Manisa) distribution areas of Aydem Energy. The automation, which carries out all the processes of expropriation with the perspective of the expropriating administration in accordance with Tedaş, EMRA standards and the relevant law, the Expropriation Law No. 2942, handles the entire process in a single line and in a way that prevents the end user from making mistakes and at the same time minimizes data entry dependency. The automation, which covers the depths of our country's expropriation experience, includes a large number of modules and high level sophisticated functions and rich reporting. The system is integrated with SAP and EBYS systems used by Aydem Energy and also with PTT notification system.

CK Energy Expropriation Automation

It has been developed for the joint use of Çamlıbel-Bedaş and Akdeniz Elektrik, the electricity distribution companies within CK Enerji. It covers all expropriation business processes. The software has also been developed to work integrated with other systems used by CK Energy. It is one of the most successful examples of process management automation that includes geographical information system adapted to the private sector in our country.

TCDD Railways Construction Works Management Automation

It is the geographical memory of our country's railway network. It is the Turkish Railways Geographical Information System created to consolidate geographical data such as railway lines, on-line art structures (culverts, bridges, crossings, tunnels) in a single database. All railway construction, modernization, maintenance and survey project data carried out by TCDD are included in the system. Data management of ongoing projects is carried out by the system on a process-based basis. It is a national system operating throughout Turkey.

DSI Land Consolidation Automation

In the second quarter of 2018, the TWC system, which was used by the General Directorate of Agricultural Reform and all relevant stakeholders between 2012-2018 with the additional work carried out after the land consolidation task was transferred to DSI, was organized to serve at DSI. The automation system, which covers all land consolidation work processes, works in a way that contractors and subcontractors can carry out their transactions within the system together with the institution and provincial organizations. It is the land consolidation memory of our country and has a sophisticated software setup and design as well as having depth in consolidation processes. It is a leading e-transformation automation that proves that Geographic Information Systems should not be considered as a mapping software alone, but only a certain part of the business process management software that will cover all needs.

TadPortal Non-Agricultural Authorization Automation

It is the soil memory of our country. It is a web-based automation where all non-agricultural permitting processes for the protection of agricultural lands and plains are audited and managed. Non-agricultural permitting, land survey, soil conservation boards business processes are managed at all stages. In addition to the central and provincial organizations of the Ministry of Agriculture, special provincial administrations, municipalities, other ministries, energy companies, plan authors are professionally used by our citizens for information purposes.

Tadlab Soil and Water Analysis Management Automation

In order to direct the areas used in agricultural production to production more accurately, soil water and plant analysis processes are carried out all over Turkey through the TadLab system. Evaluation and fertilization recommendation processes are managed at all stages. All analysis laboratories belonging to the private sector, public sector and universities are TadLab users. It works integrated with GPS-supported devices used in field drilling, and prepares analysis-related support payments. It is a national system working throughout Turkey.

Agricultural Production Registration System (Tükas-CBS)

It is the GIS automation of the ÇKS system where the management and support transactions of registered farmers in our country are carried out. In Tükas-cbs, web-based mapping capabilities are offered to the end users, the provincial-district directorates of agriculture, and end users can change and edit agricultural lands without the need for any desktop software or a licensed product. Area calculations are made on an agricultural parcel registered in Tükas-cbs, and farm support payments are made. Areas with haystacks, rocks, streams, roads, buildings, etc. where agricultural production is not carried out are removed from the parcel. Thus, the software provides the opportunity to make support payments as much as the full net agricultural area.

Tükas-cbs is also the vector and raster geographic database of the Ministry of Agriculture where raster data is managed and published. It publishes data to all stakeholders inside and outside the ministry (Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, EPDK, Ministry of Transportation, Tarsim etc. Electricity distribution companies etc.). It is a national system working throughout Turkey.

TayPortal Agricultural Land Sale and Inheritance Transactions Control and Management Automation

Average parcel sizes in our country are well below the world average. Agricultural lands with small areas and multiple shares negatively affect our agricultural production capacity. TayPortal automation is the automation that manages the rules applied in the sale and transfer of agricultural lands according to the norm values and inheritance rules determined on the basis of province according to the laws and regulations carried out by the Ministry of Agriculture.

Nibis Nitrate Information System

It is the automation through which the fight against nitrate pollution against cancer is carried out in our country. In accordance with the European Parliament 91/676/EEC Nitrate Directive, it is an application used in data collection, monitoring, mapping, evaluation and reporting processes for monitoring pollution caused by agricultural activities in waters.

Nepiz Automation of Management of Action Plans for Combating Nitrate

Nitrate information system is built on NIBIS. The software technologies related services of the Nepiz project, which was tendered within the scope of the European Union, are carried out under the responsibility of our team. With Nepiz, the requirements of action plans to combat nitrate in nitrate sensitive areas are fulfilled and the software manages and publishes the results of reporting, analysis and observations of action plans at this stage.

Ministry of Agriculture Outsourced Projects Management Automation

It is an automation where the process management of grant, semi-grant or reimbursable IPARD etc. projects carried out with the resources obtained from international funding centers such as the European Union, World Bank, Jaica etc. is carried out and project progress can be monitored. It handles the entire scope of the projects created in the logical framework (Log frame) and can plan this scope through annual programs, regional (provincial, basin, etc.) work programs and follow it up to the function phase and then to the intervention (physical delivery-production) processes. The system compares the physical aid-support with the cash realizations and ensures that the investments meet with the needy or project stakeholders in an error-free manner.

Ministry of Agriculture Organized Industrial Zones Automation

It is the management automation of TDİOSB areas managed by the Ministry of Agriculture. It is a centralized automation where data and content related to ISB are shared as well as parceling, leasing, determination and allocation procedures within the boundaries of ISB. It is a national system working throughout Turkey.

Coruh River Basin Rehabilitation

Basin rehabilitation results monitoring and evaluation system. Within the scope of the Çoruh River Basin Rehabilitation Project (ÇNHRP), it is a GIS-based monitoring and evaluation system based on the indicators determined on Soil Erosion, Vegetation, Water Resources and Socio-Economic Status in the Çoruh River Basin.

General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre Lihkab Office Automation

It is the central automation where the management-supervision and operations of LİHKAB (licensed map cadastre offices) controlled and supervised by TKGM are carried out. Lihkab office automation was realized in 2017 and delivered to the general directorate. It is a national system working throughout Turkey.

İLCAS Iller Bank Geographic Information System

It is the urbanization memory of our country. It is a GIS-based automation system that manages the data of Iller Bankasi A.S. from 1933 to the present day, such as the state map, zoning plan, drinking water transmission and distribution lines, wastewater collection lines, as well as the data of the areas where geological surveys have been carried out. Our company realized the İlcas project between 2013-2016 and put it into use. In addition to being a central data server, İlcas is an e-transformation project, which is one of the important outputs of OdakGIS engineering, developed in open source technology and working on a national scale, where the ongoing projects of the bank are carried out and the outputs of the ongoing projects are stored and shared with other institutions, especially the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization and municipalities. It is a national system working throughout Turkey.

TCDD Expropriation Automation

It is an automation where engineers can manage all processes according to the Expropriation Law. It manages all expropriation processes from the perspective of the institution conducting the expropriation. The entire process from taking the expropriation decision to the payment of costs and follow-up of notifications is carried out with GIS support. It is a national system working throughout Turkey.

Kütahya Municipality Numbering Service

The reorganization of the address number system in Kütahya city center, making it compliant with the regulation and signage services were provided by our company. With the project, it was ensured that public services, especially the municipality, based on address data throughout Kütahya are carried out in a healthy way. In the project, the problems experienced in urban transportation home-workplace address access have been solved by renewing the exterior door and street street signs. It is a national system working throughout Turkey.

Turhal Municipality Numbering Service

The address codes of all buildings, streets, alleys and internal independent sections in Turhal district were renewed and harmonized with the regulations. Anomalies in address access and public service provision in the entire district were resolved at the end of the project. It is a national system working throughout Turkey.

Agriculture Parcel Update Service

The geographical agricultural parcel data hosted by the Tükas-cbs system, which uses OdakMAP infrastructure in software technologies used by the Ministry of Agriculture, was updated with two services in 2015 and 2017 and the net agricultural area data of our country was created. Non-agricultural function areas (roads, streams, rocks, haystacks, storage areas, etc.) within the parcel were removed from the area and net agricultural production areas were determined for each parcel individually. All productions made within the scope of the project were realized with Tükas-cbs webedit capabilities. The data produced are served to all information subsystems within the Agriculture Information System. It is a national system working throughout Turkey.

Şanlıurfa Return from Expropriation Automation Project

It is an automation system that manages the processes of returning the lands nationalized in the expropriation projects carried out between 1973-1975 throughout Şanlıurfa province to the property owners and heirs after 2010. For the first time in our country, the detailed and precise execution of the expropriation return process has been ensured thanks to the software.

The equivalent land calculations of all lands subject to expropriation in Şanlıurfa are made through the system and at the same time, the system provides the necessary capabilities for decision-making in a relational structure by presenting all documents, information and documents produced during the expropriation process to the users.

It is a national system working throughout Turkey.

General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre - Digital Archive Creation Services

The archive work of the land registry offices of many provinces throughout the country was carried out by our company and the data produced were transferred to the Takbis system. Antalya-Isparta-Burdur-Ordu-Sinop-Amasya-Izmir-Izmir-Manisa-Aydın-Diyarbakır-Erzurum-Erzincan etc. among the provinces where architectural projects and official deed archive work has been carried out. is a national system working throughout Turkey.

Toki 775 Archive Project

The digitalization of documents, maps and plans related to Law No. 775 on slum prevention zones to be used in investment projects carried out by Toki has been completed. It is a national system that works throughout Turkey.

TVK BIS - Information System for the Protection of Natural Assets

It is the memory of our country's natural assets. Protected Areas (Protected Areas, Special Environmental Protection Areas), Monumental Trees and Caves are managed from a single center through this system. TVK BIS is an open source information system developed with open source code that enables the management of lease, ecrimisil, application and allocation processes in GIS and web-based structure. Citizens with structures/real estate within protected areas can carry out their application processes on provincial and regional basis through this automation.

Maks Project 2021 Maintenance, Operation and Software Update Project

The MAKS project, which is carried out by the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of Population Citizenship Affairs, has fulfilled the software maintenance and additional development services for 2021. All of the address data of the last 5 provinces, which remained to be integrated into the system from the data coming from the production related to the address data collection and editing of the MAKS project, were checked and transferred to MAKS after the necessary arrangements were made, and the MAKS project was put into use throughout our country.

Within the scope of the project, the web application of the MAKS system was developed using the open layers library in an open source structure.

During the service period, services were provided to all municipalities, special provincial administrations, organized industrial zones and all stakeholders in need of data with the team established within the ministry.

E-Guidance Ministry of Youth and Sports

The e-Guidance system is an online guidance system designed to support young people's career and professional development processes by assessing their personality traits, interests, values, talents and skills. Those who log in to the system, which is web-based and compatible with mobile devices, will be able to answer measurement tools at different times and receive personal reports.