Open source software is easier to use than proprietary software. It increases developer confidence and developers feel more empowered and in control of the product. The main features and advantages of open source software:
If you use open source software;
Low Software Cost
Open source software minimizes software costs in your organization. Instead of closed-box, paid relational databases purchased from a vendor, you can avoid the high license costs you pay with open source software.
Since the source code of open source software is publicly available, you get a lot of support from the community of developers. You don't have to depend on any one provider for support.
Secure Software
Open source software is more secure than closed box software. You can never be sure of the security of software whose source code you cannot access. But if you have the source code, you can easily solve security vulnerabilities and make the source code more secure.
The Future of Software Technology
Today, open source software is seen as the future of software technology. It has become dominant in Web, Mobile and Cloud solutions. Many data, robotics, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, AR/VR and analytical software solutions are now openly shared on the internet. You can easily resolve any security vulnerabilities in the software and make the source code more secure.
If the Source Code is Open, Where is the Fee?
Open source code developers charge for the services they provide instead of license fees. They offer services such as analysis, design, software development, operating support, etc. to their customers on a man*month, man*day basis.